News & Events

James Rathvon and Cristen Rose Contribute Guest Article to The Daily Record

James Rathvon and Cristen Rose contributed a guest article that ran in the Sept. 20 edition of The Daily Record (MD). Jim and Cristen, both from the firm’s Regulatory Law & Litigation practice group, wrote a piece entitled “Stating Your Case to the Client: Distinguishing Yourself by Showing How Your Services Produced Tangible Value.”

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Paula Calimafde Testifies Before Two Committees on Capitol Hill

The chair of the firm’s Retirement Plans practice group, Paula Calimafde, recently testified before two committees on Capitol Hill. Her first testimony was at the Senate Special Committee on Aging’s hearing on the changing face of retirement security in America. The second was before the Small Business Committee at the House of Representatives and was entitled “The Challenge of Retirement Savings for Small Employers.”

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Paula Calimafde and Jessica Summers Co-Author Article for MSBA Bar Bulletin Estate & Trust Section

Paula Calimafde and Jessica Summers co-wrote an article that appeared in the September 2013 Maryland State Bar Association Bar Bulletin’s “Estate & Trust Law” focus section.

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Howard Soypher Co-Presents at American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Program on Family Law

Howard Soypher (former Principal) co-presented a session at the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers “Family Law 101: Basics for the New Practitioner” program held recently at the University of Baltimore School of Law.

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Jeffrey Kolender Serves as Panelist at Hebrew Home of Greater Washington Event on Estate Planning

Jeffrey Kolender participated in a panel presentation (“Learning How to Update Your Estate Plan”) at the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington in Rockville. The event, sponsored by Charles E. Smith Life Communities, included a discussion of asset titling, trust planning, designating fiduciaries and other topics related to the management of a person’s affairs upon their death or disability.

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March 21, 2023

Michelle Chapin’s Article on the Use of Arbitration Causes in Trusts is Published by the MSBA’s Estate & Trust Law Section

Michelle Chapin, a Principal in Paley Rothman’s Estate Planning department, authored an article titled "(Un)Enforceability of Arbitration Clauses in Maryland Trusts" in the MSBA's Estate & Trust Law Section Newsletter Volume 29 Issue 1.

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January 11, 2023

Seventh Annual Employment Law Day - New Year, New Challenges: Managing in an Employee’s Market

Our Seventh Annual Employment Law Day will focus on helping employers meet some of the challenges in this new environment. From wage and hour compliance to performance management to navigating ever-thorny pregnancy and other leave issues, an ethical and thorough pre-employment process to managing employee and their needs- our attorneys will provide...

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Resource Center

Paley Rothman shares this library of resources with clients and friends of the firm to help them stay ahead of legal and business developments and trends. Here, you will find helpful tips and tools written by our attorneys and relevant to our areas of practice.

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