News & Events

Paula Calimafde and Jessica Summers Co-Author Chapter on Employee Benefits for NYU Review

Paula Calimafde and Jessica Summers co-authored a chapter entitled “Tax Reform and the Potential Negative Impact for Small Business and Its Qualified Retirement Plan System,” in the New York University Review of Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation – 2014.

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Hope Eastman Provides Commentary for HREOnline Article on Equal Pay

Hope Eastman provides commentary for Human Resource Executive Online article, “Microsoft CEO Touts Equal Pay After Apology,” by Kristen Frasch (October 24, 2014).

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Jim Hammerschmidt Provides Commentary for Law360 article on Prospective Clients

Jim Hammerschmidt provides commentary for Law360 article, “The Question You Should Ask Every Prospective Client” (October 2, 2014). The article compiled responses from more than 30 attorneys who shared input on the one question they always pose to attract new clients.

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Michelle Chapin Presents to Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation, Inc.

Michelle Chapin presented to a group of professional women from the Metropolitan Washington Chapter of the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation, Inc. (ARCS) at Columbia Country Club on Thursday, September 25, 2014.

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Bibi Berry Serves as Faculty at an Expert Witness Skills Workshop

Bibi Berry served as faculty at the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Expert Witness Skills Workshop on September 12-13, 2014.

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March 21, 2023

Michelle Chapin’s Article on the Use of Arbitration Causes in Trusts is Published by the MSBA’s Estate & Trust Law Section

Michelle Chapin, a Principal in Paley Rothman’s Estate Planning department, authored an article titled "(Un)Enforceability of Arbitration Clauses in Maryland Trusts" in the MSBA's Estate & Trust Law Section Newsletter Volume 29 Issue 1.

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January 11, 2023

Seventh Annual Employment Law Day - New Year, New Challenges: Managing in an Employee’s Market

Our Seventh Annual Employment Law Day will focus on helping employers meet some of the challenges in this new environment. From wage and hour compliance to performance management to navigating ever-thorny pregnancy and other leave issues, an ethical and thorough pre-employment process to managing employee and their needs- our attorneys will provide...

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Resource Center

Paley Rothman shares this library of resources with clients and friends of the firm to help them stay ahead of legal and business developments and trends. Here, you will find helpful tips and tools written by our attorneys and relevant to our areas of practice.

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