News & Events

May 22, 2013

Ethan Don Interviews About National Labor Relations Board Ruling

Ethan Don, Associate

Former Associate Ethan Don was interviewed for a story on Lawyers USA Online in conjunction with the recent National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruling that a company policy requiring employees to keep interviews related to internal investigations confidential was in violation of federal labor laws.

He provided the article’s lead quote and offered helpful insights into how attorneys should conduct a “case by case analysis” as to how far the confidentiality needs to be extended.

The full article, "NLRB advice on confidential investigations has lawyers reading tea leaves," can be found on the Lawyers USA Online website.

Ethan’s blog, "NLRB Offers Guidelines on Confidential Investigations," can be found on our Blog page


March 21, 2023

Michelle Chapin’s Article on the Use of Arbitration Causes in Trusts is Published by the MSBA’s Estate & Trust Law Section

Michelle Chapin, a Principal in Paley Rothman’s Estate Planning department, authored an article titled "(Un)Enforceability of Arbitration Clauses in Maryland Trusts" in the MSBA's Estate & Trust Law Section Newsletter Volume 29 Issue 1.

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Sec. Deb Haaland – First Native American in the Cabinet

Sec. Deb Haaland is the first Native American to serve in the President’s cabinet and has been instrumental in bringing attention and action to the horrific incident rate of...

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Resource Center

Paley Rothman shares this library of resources with clients and friends of the firm to help them stay ahead of legal and business developments and trends. Here, you will find helpful tips and tools written by our attorneys and relevant to our areas of practice.

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